Megan Medeiros does regular appearances, guest lectures, virtual workshops, and virtual talks.

March 1-5, 2023 (Specific Date & Time TBD): Where’s the Story?: A Case for a Narratological Approach to Digital Archiving – Medeiros makes the case for digital archiving with care through a narratological approach to digitizing archives and making them accessible using examples from her work with the Celebrating Simms Project, personal archiving of family history, and with the Furious Flower Poetry Center Archive. She argues for a narratological approach when digitizing and analyzing materials deliberately organized, namely scrapbooks wherein there is special care and consideration for the grouping and layout of the materials as well as who should have access to view said materials.

Past Events

Nov 11, 2021: The Role of Digital Humanities in Chicanx, Latinx, and Caribbean Studies – a virtual guest lecture at the University of Klagenfurt. Medeiros discusses the real-world application of Chicanx, Latinx, and Caribbean studies and narrative studies through digital humanities projects that work to bridge the gap between the community and academia. She shares her virtual, multi-media essay, “I am Undocumented”: Mediation and Self-Mediation in Undocumented Narratives as well as other notable digital humanities projects working with Chicanx, Latinx, and Caribbean communities to share and archive their narratives.

Feb 16-19, 2022 (Specific Date, Time, & Location TBD): “Two Sides of the Same Coin: Analyzing Community-Building and Vulnerability in Virtual BIPOC Spaces” – Medeiros discusses the opportunities social media can afford in the way of creating spaces for marginalized populations and examine how these spaces leave the community more vulnerable to attack. Looking closely at BIPOC spaces on social media through hashtags (specifically Twitter), she analyzes the ways in which these spaces exclude those they’re meant for and leave the community vulnerable to those they are trying to avoid. Medeiros argues that an increase in involvement in positive hashtag activism could be leading to a new social movement, much in the way #BlackLivesMatter initiated the activism that led to the nationwide protests in 2020. This presentation is a part of the 12th Annual African, African American, & Diaspora (AAAD) Interdisciplinary Conference hosted virtually by James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Va.

March 13, 2022 | 8:15 – 10:15am | Baltimore Marriott Waterfront – GB 9: “I am Undocumented”: Mediation and Self-Mediation in Undocumented Narratives – Medeiros will be speaking at the seminar, “Digital Literary Culture” at the 2022 NeMLA conference in Baltimore, MD in March. She will be sharing her virtual, multi-media essay, “I am Undocumented”: Mediation and Self-Mediation in Undocumented Narratives and discussing the role of digital narratives in narrative studies.