Alright, so, let’s be real: I have read a lot of Stephen King in my day. Like many people my age, my parents, especially my dad, were huge Stephen King fans. We watched all the movies and played audiobooks on trips. But, if I’m being really honest, most of it didn’t stick with me past childhood. I tried to give his work a try in my high school days, but I just could not get into it. His writing has never been my favorite, but his storytelling is just incredible. In fact, the last conversation I ever had with a recently departed friend was dissing King for his writing style specifically.

How it started:

Fast forward to last October (2023): my husband and I watch The Shining (of course, Kubrick’s) every Halloween and every time I find myself wondering what the hell is going on – so much of the why is left out of the film. So, finally, after several years of this annual tradition, I finally got myself The Shining on Kindle and decided to commit. And, while some parts were very Stephen King (you know what I mean), I found myself once again completely absorbed by his storytelling. I had to read more. So, my husband bought me Doctor Sleep for Christmas and I finished it in less than a month. Then, I tackled 11/22/63 (which I had tried and failed to finish for 10 years) thanks to audiobook and moved onto The Institute.

Now that I’m this deep, I’m in it I guess so let’s commit! I don’t know how long this will go on — maybe until I finish his whole bibliography, maybe just until I grow tired of the weird sex scenes (seriously, why is there one tremendously weird one in every book). So join me for a semi-regular update as I take myself to Derry and beyond.

How (I Think) It Will Work

Some months I can read a tremendous amount and others I barely crack a book and if I hold myself to any type of committed schedule, it ruins it for me. So, we’re going to take this at the highly irregular and inconsistent rate of however fast I bloody well feel like. I hope you will join me as you read. I have no plans with this whatsoever — I don’t know what book I’ll be reading next and I don’t expect you to either! Join me in the chaos and jump around as suits you. Comment on the articles (and maybe videos? I told you, no plan!) and join in on the discussion. Who knows, if it gets traction, maybe I’ll even make us guides (virtual and super lowkey Stephen King book club anyone?). I feel like we need an acronym though, this title is too long. Let’s go with RSKWM!

Follow along with my RSKWM journey here and on our socials.

Megan Medeiros

Megan earned both her BA and MA in English from JMU, specializing in Digital Humanities with a focus on Narratology in American Postmodernism. She is the owner, operator, and lead writer of Medeiros Writing, which she launched in 2017 as well as the Communications & Marketing Specialist for Furious Flower Poetry Center, the nation's first academic center devoted to Black poetry. She has a passion for literature and an unquenchable thirst for learning.